Resource Page

AWARE-NS is committed to building a culture of workplace safety in the health care and community services sectors.

Need Immediate Safety Assistance?

Contact 911
Use this service when you need urgent support for safety-related issues.

Contact AWARE (1-902-832-3868)

For additional support on safety-related issues, or for guidance on health and safety protocols and training.


Is it a Workplace Injury?
Inform the Nova Scotia Workers’ Compensation Board

Ensure the injured employee receives the necessary first aid and medical care promptly.


For incidents requiring medical attention or resulting in work time loss, you must inform WCB. Reporting guidance is provided by WCB at this site:


Is it a serious injury or incident?
Contact the Government of Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Skills, and Immigration

It is your duty to report serious injuries. A serious injury or incident is one that endangers life or causes permanent injury.


You must notify the Occupational Health and Safety Division at the Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Skills, and Immigration whenever a serious injury happens at your workplace. Call or send the notice in writing within the following deadlines:

1.     Fatalities—immediately

2.     Serious injury—as soon as possible, within 24 hours

·        Unconsciousness

·        Fracture of the skull, spine, pelvis, arm, leg, ankle, wrist or a major part of the hand or foot

·        Loss or amputation of a leg, arm, hand, foot, finger, or toe

·        Third-degree burn

·        Loss of sight in one or both eyes

·        Asphyxiation or poisoning

·        Any injury that requires admission to hospital

·        Any injury that endangers life

  1. 3.  Serious incident—as soon as possible, within 24 hours

·        An accidental explosion

·        A major structural failure or collapse of a building or other structure.

·        A major release of a hazardous substance 

·        A fall from a work area where fall protection is required by the regulations.

Phone: 1-800-952-2687 (1-800-9LABOUR) or 902-424-5400
[email protected]